Sonata for Clarinet and Piano: Flight of Fancy(13mins.)
Stephen Bates-Clarinet
Naoko Sugiyama-Piano
"Flight", the 1st movement, was recorded in a concert on 4/14/2013 at The Longy School, Cambridge, Mass.
"Grounded" and "Up again" are digital renderings of the scores
The first movement for this piece was written in the early 1990's for Stephen Bates. He and I performed it in concert in Greenwich Village, 1992. 21 years later Stephen played "Flight" again in concert;this time at The Longy Music School in Cambridge, Mass which inspired me to start writing concert music again. What followed has been 20 new compositions I've written in the last two years..
String Trio #1(11 mins.)
Antoine Silverman-Violin
Entcho Todorov- Viola
Anja Wood- Violincello
Recorded on 6/12/2014 at The Diamond Mine Studios L.I.C. New York
Elegy for an ailing Planet(11 minutes)
This is a short orchestral piece that I wrote while reading Naomi Klein's book, "This Changes Everything" about climate change. IT is possibly the first movement of a longer piece.
A selection of a few other compositions
Copyright Leslie Steinweiss 2023 All Rights reserved